Week 9
Coding Smart Objects
"Ollie" visits Rivendell Elementary Schools!
We were able to host a robot as part of the Vermont Robot Rodeo project. Ollie was part of our Samuel Morey and Westshire school communities for the month of February. First we used the Ollie app to drive Ollie and do some tricks on our ipads and and android devices. Then we started programming Ollie using the Tickle app on our ipads. W
Week 7
Coding with Lily Pad
This turned out to be far more challenging than I had anticipated. I couldn't get my laptop and my new LilyPad development board to communicate. My Arduino board last week worked right away. I had assumed that the Lily Pad would be easy, not so... I toyed with the idea of setting it aside, but really wanted to play and create some wearables. I spent hours scanning through websites, but when it finally worked. I was so excited!
This quote from Seymour Papert's book Mindstorms really resonated with me this week:
“Errors benefit us because they lead us to study what happened, to understand what went wrong, and through understanding, to fix it. Experience with computer programming leads children more effectively than any other activity to “believe in” debugging.”(p. 114)
Week 6:
Coding with Arduino
This week I explored my Arduino Starter kit. There are lots of small electronic parts to explore. Initially I had no idea what do to with any of the parts. I also had to install the Arduino software. To my surprise it worked on the first try. YEAH!
I followed Lucie's tutorial and started connecting some of the wires and little LED bulbs to the Arduino UNO board and edited the blink script. I started with one little LED bulb and just kept connecting more LED bulbs. The coding is going to be a challenge, I never spent much time coding in C and it has been years since I coded in C. This week's code was pretty simple, it was fun to make my little bouquet of flowers blink.
// Pin 5 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards.
// given name:
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
// initialize digital pin ? as an output.
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
I am fascinated by the e-textiles and decided to play with some clothing. So I decided to purchase one of the Lilipad boards and explore. Can't wait for the materials to arrive so I can play.
Week 4:Coding with Mobile Devices:
Over the past week I learned about several interesting Coding Apps. I explored quite a mobileOur
- Bee Bot
- Cargo
Bot - Daisy the Dinosaur
Lightbot JrLightbot Kodable
I also explored several apps to create with code. Our favorites were:
- Scratch Jr
- Tickle
Common Sense Media publishes and evaluates many other coding resources on their
Cool Coding Apps and Websites for Kids page.Exploring our new MakeyMakey
This week we
The quick start guide was very helpful as we figured out how to connect the MakeyMakey. We had lots of fun exploring and working with our group.
Our next step is to create a game using SCRATCH and use the Makey
Click here to access the Google CS First Hour of Code tutorial.
Week 2:
This week I explored Scratch - this was a new experience for me. I set up an account in Scratch was able to "join the club"and connect to
I worked through several of the CS-First Activities. I found the tutorials very helpful, but it took me quite a while to work my way through the tutorials. I had worked my way all the way through the Adventures at High Sea last night, but never saved - didn’t realize I had to save the project along the way - "saving" was not so obvious to me - but I learned...
It was a good learning experience, - I was able to follow the instructions much easier and it didn't take as long. I kept my story much simpler and shorter this time.
Click on the picture to check out my graphics
Today I made my first Gaming Story using Scratch!
Click on the image to check out my first Gaming Story
I created my first Computer Game in Scratch
To control player 1 use the up, right and left arrow keys
To change the costume of player 1, use the 1 key
To control player 2, use the A, S, D keys
To change the costume of player 2, use the 2 key
TO change the racetrack layout, click on the green button
Click on the image to play the game.
This game was created using if statements. Click on the skier to help him get to the purple bar.
Click on the image to play the game - watch out for the trees!
Help the monkey get to the bananas. Use the up, right and left arrows to move the monkey.
Click on the image to play the game.
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